
Third Week of Easter

Story of Jesus & Disciples on the road to Emmaus Last week we heard two stories of Jesus’ presence after the resurrection. One was that Jesus appeared to the disciples who were gathered and hiding in a locked room. In the second story Jesus appeared when Thomas was with the other gathered disciples. Today’s gospel […]

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Fourth Week of Ordinary Time

The Beatitudes from Matthew 5 Today Barb read section from the gospel of Matthew, called Beatitudes, found in The Sermon on the Mount, probably one of the most well known texts of the New Testament. Matthew places them near the beginning of his account of Jesus’ public ministry, though we don’t know if they actually

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Third Week of Lent

Samaritan Woman at the Well Who is God? What is God like? How do we describe God? Does God change? Today’s readings challenge our concepts of God. With all that we have read and prayed and studied over our lifetimes, today might be an appropriate day to challenge how we think about God. First and

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Third Week of Advent

I can’t believe it is the 3rd week of Advent already. Only three weeks left of the year 2021. I’m very happy to be the celebrant of this mass, my first one as a priest. And I’m happy to be celebrating this week because JOY is the theme. The readings are full of joy and

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Lent Year B Week 5

We heard in the gospel according to John: “Unless a grain of wheat is buried in the ground, it is never any more than a grain of wheat.If it is buried, it sprouts & reproduces itself many times over.”I think this passage from scripture is one of the most well known lines in Christianity. Hmm,

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