What does “Inclusive” mean?

Quite simply, inclusive means y”all come!

Everyone is welcome at Holy Family Inclusive Catholic Community where all families are holy. Straight and gay families, single people, single people with children, divorced and remarried Catholics, couples with children, couples without children, Catholic people and non -Catholic people, all are holy and welcome at Holy Family.

One may want to know a little more about us before their visit, so here goes. We cherish our Roman Catholic Faith but part ways with some of the man-made institutional demands. All are welcome to receive Eucharist at Holy Family. Eating the Passover meal with the women, men and children he loved, Jesus blessed and broke some bread, gave it out freely asking people to remember him when they ate bread. That’s it, that’s all he asked. It was and is a pure gift from Jesus to us. He didn’t put any preconditions on who may eat the bread or not, who are we to to put conditions on a gift freely given?

We believe all people, straight and LGBT+ folks have the right to love whom they feel called to love. We believe they may enter a sacramental marriage if they feel called to marry. Love is love!

We believe in equality among men and women and decry patriarchy. Not only does it exclude women from a system but it isn’t fair to men either. Patriarchy says men are responsible for all decisions. That is just too big of a burden for anyone to bear.

Holy Family is a place where one can just be, where one can live their truth. Just as there is no Gentile or Jew, woman or man, servant or free, there really shouldn’t be “conservative” or “progressive” labels for our brothers and sisters in Christ. We are all uniquely and wonderfully made. God asks us to live our truths, live according to what we have come to know. And if we do that I believe that when we come face to face with  God someday God that will put that Divine arm around us, take us for a walk and say “Thank you my son, thank you my daughter. Well done. Welcome home”