
We celebrate the same order of the Mass as other Roman Catholic Churches. It is our belief that the Eucharist is the act of grace that binds us all as God’s people. It was given to us by Jesus Christ with a command to remember Him each time we receive it. It is given freely for EVERYONE, regardless of anything.

We baptize those interested in being part of the community If you are interested in contacting Rev. Mary for details. See our contact page for details in making those arrangements.

Rev. Mary is available to celebrate the sacrament of Holy Matrimony for straight and same sex couples. If you are interested in celebrating your wedding with Holy Family, contact Rev. Mary for details about preparing for the sacrament.

Rev. Mary is also available to perform Celebration of Life services and funeral masses for loved ones. She is also available to perform the sacrament of Anointing of the Sick and to serve families who have lost a loved one with grief counseling.

We celebrate Communal Reconciliation during the Mass twice during the year. Private reconciliation times can also be scheduled by appointment.