We are an affirming and inclusive Roman Catholic faith community led by a woman ordained in the apostolic succession with the Roman Catholic Church. Our spirituality, our relationship with God is what generates liturgies that are life giving and uplifting. We believe that Scripture is alive and is still being written today with our own personal and family stories.

We are Roman Catholic. We were baptized into the fullness of the Roman Catholic faith…we belong! We are building a community where we can celebrate our authentic spirituality, what we come to know to be true about God and ourselves.
We celebrate Mass every Saturday afternoon at 4:30 p.m. We read the same Scripture, sing the same hymns, and we follow the same order of Mass (with a few small differences in wording) as every other Catholic Church in the world. We also celebrate the sacraments. Bishop Mary officiates at baptisms, weddings of straight and same sex couples, and funerals.
We welcome all people to communion regardless of gender, religious denomination, marital status, ethnicity, economic status or sexual orientation. If you let us know before Mass we can provide gluten free hosts.
If you haven’t been to Mass for awhile, no worries! We provide a worship aid (the liturgical words for “program”), which will help you. We will be so happy to see you. No one will even notice if you know what to do or not. Our regular members are also willing to assist you in any way you need.